1. Do you have Premature Ejaculation?
If you ejaculate before vaginal penetration or within 2 minutes of penetration, most of the times - Yes, you are suffering from Premature Ejaculation.
2. What causes Premature Ejaculation?
a. Sensitivity / Highly Responsive Nervous System - The more sensitive, the quicker you ejaculate.
b. Genetic Reasons.
If you are suffering from Sensitivity, great, you may not suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. Hows that?
3. Should you see a doctor if you are suffering from PE?
Occasional PE is not an issue, but if it happens almost everytime, you have to see a doctor who is specialized in Sexual Medicine.
4. I have Premature Ejaculation, can I still satisfy my sexual Partner?
Yes you can. You can use desensitizers, condoms to reduce the sensitive response of your nervous system. Indulge more on foreplay than actual intercourse. This depends on the partner. You better see a doctor and take help to have a happy sexual life.
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